Blog Posts

Learning To Drive

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Driving can help your life in a variety of ways. The advent of the automotive vehicle allowed people freedom of travel to a degree never seen before. This is still the case with owning a car today. To get a driver”s license in the UK, you need to be seventeen years old, and to complete two different tests. These two tests try to get you to learn everything you need to know about driving. They are the written test and the practical test. The written test asks questions about how to deal with irregular situations. The practical is a demonstration of your driving abilities. You need to pass both of these in order to get a driver’s license. Driving lessons can be quite expensive, so getting help from friends and...

How to tell if your car exhaust is Blowing

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Exhaust can begin to pack up from time to time, and it’s not uncommon for them to get a little damaged form time to time, and this can result in a ‘blowing exhaust’. There are many different ways in which you can tell when your exhaust is blowing. You may notice the sound is a lot louder, and it can make a bit more of a ‘boom’ when you’re pulling off. You may also hear it spluttering when you’re accelerating whilst it may be a little bit slower than usual. You should jack up your ca if you have any of these signs, and a blowing exhaust essentially means it is leaking. This could be at the front, the back, the middle and there’s no way to tell unless you...

Choosing the Right Wheel for your Driving Style

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There are so many different types of wheels to choose from today, and each wheel will have its own benefits and disadvantages. Steel wheels are cost effective and very strong, yet there is the disadvantage that these wheels tend to lack cooling vents, which can cause complications from time to time. Alloys are perhaps more popular than steel wheels today and they can come in a wide range of designs. They’re strong too, perhaps not quite as strong as steel but they never tend to cause issues with brakes. Carbon fibre wheels have the benefit of being light and strong. They’re essentially built for speed, and they can often give a much smoother ride. Make sure you consider the different types of wheels that are out there for your vehicle,...

Fitting a Tuning Box for Increased Fuel Economy

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Fuel is probably the most important ingredients in our cars today, and it can be beneficial to make sure it takes your car as far as it possibly can, and a tuning box can help you do this. Many new vehicles are excellent when it comes to saving fuel, and there are now electronic and hybrid cars to choose from. There’s an emphasis on saving fuel and the prices for petrol and diesel are extremely high, and that means more and more people are looking to tuning boxes. These can offer around 20% increases in your car’s fuel economy which could prove to bring a return on the money you spend on the box. Fuel economy is one of the leading factors today when it comes to choosing a vehicle,...

Welcome to our new car performance website

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Welcome to diesel performance parts and products, where we discuss the numerous ways in which you can improve the performance of your cars. We can bring you information on subjects which matter to you and your means of transportation, whether that be about car parts, car accessories, or issues with laws about cars.